Practice at the Crossroads: Acupuncture, Alchemy, Spirituality and Healing - An Introduction to Alchemical Healing
Item | Details | Available | Duration |
Practice at the Crossroads: Acupuncture, Alchemy, Spirituality and Healing - An Introduction to Alchemical Healing | immediately after purchase | until 10/03/2023 - 23:59 |
Crossroads are choice points. They are recognized as dangerous yet sacred precincts of crisis and opportunity in all ancient cultures. Humanity is at such a choice point now, a defining moment in our evolution as a species in relationship to all beings as well as the planet itself. Although there are no certainties at these crisis points, ancient teachings assure us that there are possibilities.
Schedule Breakdown:
- Hour One: Introduction to Alchemical Acupuncture and its application to the treatment of psycho-emotional symptoms (lecture format)
- Hour Two: Introduction to acupuncture spirit points and Body Felt Sense (experiential format).
- Hour Three: An overview of alchemical theory, skills, tools, and practices that can be safely and effectively integrated into the acupuncture treatment (lecture format).
Goals & Objectives:
- Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of alchemy as an underpinning of Traditional Chinese Medicine and to Lorie Eve Dechar’s work with Alchemical Healing.
- Body / soul / spirit levels of treatment will be clarified.
- Students will gain a deeper sense of the underlying alchemical potential of wushen and
- Students will deepen their understanding of the Chinese concept of possession and how it relates to symptoms in contemporary therapeutic settings.
- Students will be introduced to Inner Sensing as an adjunct to their work in the treatment room.
- Students will understand and be able to identify a “body felt sense” and apply it as a tool in the treatment room.
- Students will understand the nature of a “spirit point” and be able to begin to use spirit points in their practice.
Practice at the Crossroads: Acupuncture, Alchemy, Spirituality and Healing - An Introduction to Alchemical Healing
The Role of Trauma in Women’s Reproductive Health: A Five Spirit Approach
Item | Details | Available | Duration |
The Role of Trauma in Women’s Reproductive Health: A Five Spirit Approach | immediately after purchase | for 2 years |
Program Description
This lecture was recorded at the Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver.
Goals and Outlines
By the end of the seminar, participants will have:
The Role of Trauma in Women’s Reproductive Health: A Five Spirit Approach - Distance Education
Insomnia: TCM Experts Share their Unique Strategies for Treating Insomnia
Item | Details | Available | Duration |
Insomnia: TCM Experts Share their Unique Strategies for Treating Insomnia | immediately after purchase | for 2 years |
Five TCM experts share their unique strategies for treating insomnia.
Healthy Seminars is offering two theme days online for the International Community of Chinese Medicine in Israel (ICCM) 2021 conference.
Goals and Outlines
Part 1: Treating Insomnia with UAT: Using Saam 4 Needles and I Ching Patterns to treat sleeping disorders
- Understand the meridian clock and the transition from daytime to night time
- Be able to apply 2 Saam patterns for sleep problems
- Be able to apply 2 I Ching Ba Gua patterns for sleep patterns
- Understand how to differentiate between the 4 patterns of the course
Part 2: Insomnia and the Modern World Diagnosis and Acupuncture strategies
- Understand the Western physiology of sleep
- Understand the Health consequences of insomnia
- Understand the Chinese energetics of sleep
- Learn the primary acupuncture points for insomnia
Part 3: The Yang of Sleep: Using the Yang Qiao to Treat Insomnia
- Participants will review good sleep hygiene to reduce external stimuli.
- Participants will learn the pathway points and functions of the Yang Qiao.
- Participants will explore treatment strategies for the Yang Qiao & insomnia.
- Participants will learn points that open the Pericardium loop to free emotional constraint and allows the Wei qi to internalize at night.
Part 4: Treatment of Insomnia with Classical Formulas
- To learn the basic single mechanism for insomnia
- To differentiate the single mechanism into Yang vs Yin insomnia
- To differentiate most common types of insomnia in both Yang and Yin categories
- To differentiate insomnia from other related issues
To grasp key principles and the herbal formulas that go with those principles
Part 5: A Five Spirits Approach to Treating Insomnia and Anxiety
- Understand of insomnia and anxiety through the lens of wushen
- Deepen their understanding of the role of the blood as the yin matrix of the soul and spirit and the treatment of deficient blood from a Five Spirits perspective
- Understand the Heart monarch’s role in regulating sleep and dreams as described in classical texts
- Learn specific points as well as adjunct treatments to treat these conditions
- Learn sleep meditation and breathing practices to support their patients in developing better sleep patterns
Insomnia: TCM Experts Share their Unique Strategies for Treating Insomnia - Distance Education
Alchemical Healing: Using the Tools of Chinese Medicine to Address the World Soul in Troubled Times - Distance Education
Alchemical Healing: Using the Tools of Chinese Medicine to Address the World Soul in Troubled Times
Item | Details | Available | Duration |
Alchemical Healing: Using the Tools of Chinese Medicine to Address the World Soul in Troubled Times | immediately after purchase | for 2 years |
Lorie Dechar will offer practitioners tools for working with the emotional and psychological challenges human beings are facing as we collectively continue to navigate the social and cultural turbulence of this time. Guided by the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist alchemy, Lorie will emphasize the opportunities for healing and transformation inherent in moments of adversity but will also address the necessity of dealing with the shock, destabilization, and trauma that is an inevitable part of all crisis and change.
Detailed Outline
- An introduction to Alchemical Healing, the concept of the “world soul,” the Alchemy of Inner Work (including class overview)
- Alternative perspectives on crisis: traditional Chinese medicine, modern Western and alchemical
- Discussion of the emotional and psychological impact of the current health crisis; simple protocols, essential oils, flower essences, and the effective use of Spirit Points
- Wushen under challenge: the responses of the Five Spirits to crisis. Spirit points for the Spirits
- Working with the shen: strategies for shock, stress, destabilization and anxiety conversation
- Working with the po: strategies for caring for the body soul
- The Five Spirit Animal Protectors
- The basic “Five Pack” of oils and flower essences to treat soul-level issues
- A New Story of Healing: Repairing the Inner Marriage - reconnecting shen and zhi / hun and po as a journey towards psychological health and wholeness. Lead to Gold Groups: taking healing beyond the treatment room
- Q & A
Learning Objectives
By the end of the seminar, participants will have:
- An understanding of the relevance of ancient Taoist alchemical principals to modern-day acupuncture practice.
- An acupuncture point palette as well as essential oil and flower essence protocols for working with soul-level issues.
- An understanding of the importance of language, imagery, visualization and intention in order to tap the fullest potential of the acupuncture needle.
- Patient self-help and practitioner self-care strategies to support us during times of challenge, stress and crisis.