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This course will introduce the Heart Shén for its role as the primary source of all emotions, along with the Pericardium (Xīn Bāo) for its relationship to the Heart. We will then prioritize the mental health conditions of depression and anxiety. This will include a brief look at various treatment approaches across the centuries. Suicidal tendencies need some discussion using the water well/pit analogy plus the donkey/farmer analogy. This will be followed by discussing the organ/element/eight extraordinary vessel relationships and acupuncture point combinations for depression and anxiety.
Goals and Outlines
Dr David Hartmann is a Chinese medicine practitioner living in Brisbane, Australia. He has been an Acupuncturist for over 20 years graduating from the Australian College of Natural Medicine (now Endeavour) in 1996. He has also completed a ‘Master of Acupuncture’ in 2009 through Southern Cross University.
Dr Hartmann has been a TCM lecturer for over 15 years in Australia as well as presented seminars throughout Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and the USA. A keen researcher and writer, he has a new textbook published in August 2019 by Singing Dragon: The Principles and Practical Application of Acupuncture Point Combinations. He is also the author of Acupoint Dictionary 2e, published by Elsevier Churchill Livingstone in 2009.
David has a wealth of knowledge in Chinese medicine and has a special interest in western/eastern; ancient/modern philosophy. David has a blog site where he writes his research results down, as well as some of his philosophical musings.