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This workshop provides clarification for acupuncturists around If you find it difficult to respond to "is acupuncture safe?"; "There is no evidence for acupuncture"; or "acupuncture is just placebo" and terms such as statistical significance, clinical significance, confidence intervals, efficacy, effectiveness and pragmatic all seem a bit of a blur.
Debra will break down these questions and concepts down using activities and worksheets to explain how to use the evidence presented in the weekend maternity acupuncture workshop.
Goals & Objectives
Participants will have strategies to engage in conversations using western medical research evidence to answer questions such as ‘is acupuncture in pregnancy safe?
Participants will also be able to correctly the use western medical research terminology such as statistical significance, clinical significance, confidence intervals, efficacy, effectiveness and pragmatic trials to confidently discuss the evidence base for the use of maternity acupuncture.
Detailed Outline
- The ‘why’ of research and understanding key concepts from acupuncture research
- The ‘what not to say’ to establish your credibly. A look at the common mistakes and examples of how you can present research to promote your clinical practice
Debra graduated from the London College of Acupuncture in 1989. With a practice based in women’s health she commenced acupuncture courses for midwives in 1997. This led to publications on the use of acupuncture and acupressure in obstetric practice including the text book “The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth” in 2006, which has been translated into German and French.
Debra completed her PhD on the use of acupuncture in threatened miscarriage in 2014 through the University of Western Sydney and is currently the Director of Postgraduate Programmes for an online Masters course through New Zealand School Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She is also a clinical supervisor at a hospital antenatal acupuncture clinic in New Zealand, and lectures internationally on the use of acupuncture in obstetric care. She currently resides with her husband and three children in Wellington, New Zealand.