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While giving specific counselling on vaccination is out of scope for most acupuncturists, every patient seen in clinic and every acupuncturist personally is affected by this practice. Acupuncturists will need to confront their patients' and their own beliefs and knowledge base about this issue, and so professionals should endeavor to be informed about this important and complex medical intervention. Acupuncturists will be regularly asked about their position on vaccination, but receive no consistent, formal training on this as part of their accredited curriculum.
This talk presents a thorough exploration of complex issues surrounding vaccination. Dr. Miller will spotlight these vaccines: pneumococcus, varicella, smallpox, Gardasil/HPV, Hepatitis B, polio, HIB, rotavirus, MMR, and pertussis. He will address both the positive potential of vaccination, as well as conflicts of interest in vaccine sales and study, adjuvants, how vaccine schedules have changed and the rise in chronic disease. Since you will see both kids vaccinated and not vaccinated, He will provide TCM treatment approaches to support the health both population of kids.
- Have ideas about how to support kids with TCM who are both vaccinated and unvaccinated
- Develop a more sophisticated understanding of the history and complexity surrounding vaccination.
- Understand myths and realities encountered from both the pro- and anti- vaccine lobbies.
- Have a clear understanding of how vaccine targeted diseases differ, and hence how vaccines should be considered individually rather than as a uniform category.
- Be able to identify the real limitations in the study, production, and distribution of vaccines, and how this medical intervention should be evaluated on the 'best available evidence' in multiple domains.
- Be able to better advocate for good vaccine policy.
Introduction, Lecturer Bio, Disclosures
- Pro or Con on Vaccines?
- Disclaimer; responsibility of primary physician to have the conversation
- Can We, Should We, Have the Conversation?
- What to expect if you open the can of worms, foundational medical ethics, AMA stance, use of research subjects
- Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
- Disagreement in Informed Consent
- Coming to Terms with James Phipps - vaccination, variolation, natural selection, and human rights
- Tipping to "YES" - The Balance of Arguments in Fostering Real Discussion about Vaccination
- National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
- Personal Opinion/Overview - Try not to be a Corporate Shill
- Tactics Used to Discourage Legitimate, Scientific Discussion
- Examples of Tactics to Discourage: Greening of Vaccines, Dr. Bob's Vaccine Schedule
- Avoiding the Real Questions: E.g. Wakefield
- Exaggeration of Dangers: E.g. Measles
- "Anti-Vaccine" Voices are not New
- Question and Answer
What is an "Evidence Based Conversation"?
- The DBRPCT Trap
- 9 Reasons the Conversation is not just Relevant, but Critical
- Exemptions; Adjuvants; Titer Testing; Managing Complex Discussions
- Schedule Changes, Rise in Chronic Disease (Asthma, Food and Skin Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Type 1 Diabetes, Autoimmune Disease, Autism); New Vaccines in Development; Push for 100% Compliance
- Considering Hep B
- Civil Liberies: Malawi or Maryland?
- Translational Research
- Evidence Be Damned: Flu Vaccine; Natural Immunity vs. Vaccine Acquired Immunity; Profit Motives
- Firing Vaccine Refusers: Trends
- Exemptions: Types and Threat To
- Funding for Vaccine Research; Bringing Vaccines to Market; Flu Vaccine in Pregnancy; Daycare Mandates; Hep B Survival on Surfaces: Relevance; Shigles Burden; Approaches to Building Immunity; School Compliance; Provision of Data by Drug Companies
- Strategy of Attack and Post licensure trials
- Human Ecology: What is normal flora?
- Vaccine Escape and Vaccine Induced Strain Replacement
- Logic of the Popular Media: Biased Reporting
- How to be Counseled?
- Lingering effects from pneumococcal meningitis?
- Question and Answer
Optimal Vitamin D Levels?
- The Complexity of the Discussion: Must Consider Each Vaccine and Each Disease Individually
- Overall Strategy Considerations: Example - Maternal Transmission of Immunity
- Strategy Example: Varicella - Route of Infection, Protection of One Illness Against Another (Benefit of Disease?)
- Cost Effectiveness of Varicella Strategy? Varicella and Shingles
- Extinction Strategies and Herd Immunity and Herd Farming via Vaccination
- Wild Cards in the Vaccine Safety Conversation
- The Institute of Medicine Report
- First Study on CDC Schedule in Relation to Autism
- Hannah Poling
- Evidence Not Allowed by the IOM: Animal Data
- Tolerating Risk/Benefits: Example - Immune Scenecense
- Immunity from Natural Illness vs Vaccine Derived
- Benefits of Natural Illness? Hodgkins Lymphoma and Measles
- Importance of Research Objectivity: Conflicts of Interest, Government Industry Partnership, Who is Paul Offit
- Mitochondrial disorders and research; How does the body process aluminum? Differences in current vs history vaccine manufacturing; Human DNA in vaccines; Generalizing recommendations based on Hannah Poling; Is the size of the person getting immunized significant?
- Government and Industry: Rick Perry, Gates Foundation, For Profit Relationships
- Phases of Trials for Vaccine Development
- VAERS and Safety Monitoring Systems (Vaccine Safety Data Link, Offit vs Sears)
- Case Study of Vaccine Safety: Gardasil
- Guidelines for Pap Smears (discussion); Required Reporting; Punishments for Practices not Vaccinating?
- Aluminum Adjuvants and their Safety
- Mercury Commentary; caution on Tylenol and antipyretics with vaccines
- Contemplating What's Safe Enough
- Detox protocols for aluminum? Better adjuvants than aluminum? After antibiotics, how long to wait to vaccinate?
- Myths Propagated by Allopaths vs. Non-Allopaths
- "Can" not "Do" Vaccines Work for US?
- Morbidity vs. Mortality: Example Measles
- Measles and Vitamin A
- Changes in Disease Burden Attributab
Polio – Western/Eastern
- Potential Stages in Immunization Programs
- Correction to Risk due to uncounted cases: Hemophilus Influenza type B, Rotavirus, Measles – Western/Eastern, Mumps – Western/Eastern, Rubella, Pertussis – Western/Eastern, Other Diseases
- Problems Recommending Against Vaccination; Homeopathic Vaccination
- What Should Everyone Be Doing to Minimize Problems from Vaccination?
- The Potential Recipe for Disaster?
- Long Term Considerations
- Reference: Vaccines on the U.S. Market
- Future Trends in Vaccine Manufacturing
- Other Resources NVIC, ProCon.Org
Dr. David W. Miller, MD, LAc is one of the only MD physicians in the U.S. dually board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Dr. Miller received his Bachelor’s degree in Theoretical Mathematics from Vassar College, his M.D. from the Brown University School of Medicine, and completed his internship and residency in Pediatrics at the University of Chicago. He then completed his Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine with the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago.
Dr. Miller is currently in private practice with East-West Integrated Medicine, but is also an instructor at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago where he designed the school’s Integrative Pediatrics curriculum. At Pacific College, he has also designed and taught curriculum for the study of Integrative Endocrinology, Nephrology, Public Health, and Medical Communications. Dr. Miller sees all ages in his practices, but specializes in Pediatrics seeing patients from newborn to adulthood.
Dr. Miller is also involved with organized medicine and medical legislation, and is the chair of the American Society of Acupuncturists, president of the Illinois Acupuncture Federation, Legislative Director for the Illinois Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and sits on the Illinois Board of Acupuncture with Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. He is a subject matter expert and chair of the Biomedical Examination Committee for the NCCAOM, and is a peer reviewer for Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, the National Physicians Alliance, the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Chicago Medical Society as well, and sits on the ISMS Council on Education and Health Workforce. Dr. Miller also participates in the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Complementary and Integrative Medicine.